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Jan 232014

The JSON format is an easy and simple way to get 3D models uploaded into a WebGL application. Lighthouse3D provides a tool (source code and visual studio project available) that uses Assim to read standard 3D model files (OBJ, Collada, 3ds, among many others) and produces a JSON formatted file containing the vertex information (positions, normals and tex coords) as well as material description.

An example of a WebGL page where such content is used is available in here.

Jul 192013

vslSampleThe Very Simple * Libs pages have been updated, merging the information into less pages and adding a few relevant updates. The lib is now compatible with Assimp 3.0, and a bug which appeared with recent nvidia drivers when using multiple shaders with uniform blocks has been fixed.

The sample code has been updated to reflect these changes and a Visual Studio 2012 project is included.

Apr 152011

This is an OpenGL 3.3 + GLSL 3.3 sample that loads and displays a 3D model with Assimp. It also uses DevIL in case the model has textures. It was based on Assimps OpenGL demo and it extends it to support OpenGL 3.3

The sample uses Texturing, Vertex Array Objects, and Uniform Blocks. Camera can move around the object using the mouse, and the mousewheel can be used to zoom on the model, courtesy of freeglut.