Shaderific is a great iOS application for OpenGL ES shader learning. The app provides the source code for the vertex and fragment shaders for 18 built-in demo shaders, and it allows the creation of new ones. Many 3D objects (including the required teapot) are available, and material and lighting can also be set. There is a free version that lets us try it out, but the changes are not kept once the app is closed.
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Chrome Experiments – WebGL Globe. The Globe is a project for geographic data visualization. The project is open source and you are encouraged to use it to display your own world scattered data. Currently there are two samples: world population from 1990, 1995, 2000; and Google Search Visualization Volumes per language.
This is an OpenGL 3.3 + GLSL 3.3 sample that loads and displays a 3D model with Assimp. It also uses DevIL in case the model has textures. It was based on Assimps OpenGL demo and it extends it to support OpenGL 3.3
The sample uses Texturing, Vertex Array Objects, and Uniform Blocks. Camera can move around the object using the mouse, and the mousewheel can be used to zoom on the model, courtesy of freeglut.
The PipelineKit is an open source project originated at AMD to develop a visual and high level programming environment for OpenCL and DirectCompute applications running on GPUs, APUs and multi-core CPUs. A textual pipeline description language describes buffers, kernels, uniforms, invariants, and control graphs with stages that together comprise a computational pipeline. A pipeline generator compiles that description into C++ and OpenCL or DirectCompute code that executes the specified control graphs while preserving the specified invariants at runtime. The generator also produces a framework for unit testing; some debugging/data capture features, as well as templates for the corresponding kernels or ComputeShaders. Software developers are responsible for filling in the kernels or ComputeShaders. The PipelineKit and the code it generates run on Linux, Mac OS and Windows. It supports multiple GPUs within a workstation and provides barrier synchronizations among graphs running on different GPUs. Recently work has begun on a visual editor that lets you directly edit the control and data flow graphs (please see screenshot). This editor is a functional prototype.
Shadow Explorer was designed for shadow map technique comparison. Currently it has four techniques implemented:simple shadow maps, percentage closer shadow maps, variance shadow maps and exponential variance shadow maps. Two different scenes and a full set of parameters should keep us busy for a while 🙂
New simple, yet complete, sample of code to draw two triangles using OpenGL 3.3 and GLSL 1.5. As far as I know the sample does not use any deprecated functions.
The sample covers Vertex Objects, Vertex Array Objects, Uniform and Attribute variables, shader setting, and definition of the camera and perspective matrices.
NAVI (Navigational Aids for the Visually Impaired) is project by master’s students Michael Zöllner and Stephan Huber at the University of Konstanz, Germany, aiming at improving indoor navigation for visually impaired by leveraging the Microsoft Kinect camera, a vibrotactile waistbelt and markers from the AR-Toolkit.
Using cushion squarified treemaps, your hard drive contents are displayed graphically. The visualization is great to understand how your drive’s space is being used. Everytime I use a tool like this I end up deleting or compressing large files that are no longer used. Continue reading »