VRML Interactive Tutorial
Full list
Script Tutorial
Introduction and Sintax
Defining Fields and Events
Accessing Fields and Events
When are scripts executed
Script Example: Highlight
Browser Script Interface
Appendix: Data types
Script Node Tutorial
This article is translated to Serbo-Croatian language by Anja Skrba from Webhostinggeeks.com.
Introduction and Syntax
You've already seen how to build basic animations and simple behaviours
with the events predefined for
several nodes in VRML. Although these nodes can perform wonders in your
VRML world they are limited in the type of actions you can perform.
The Scritp node provides the missing flexibility to expand almost limitless
your behaviour requirements. The Script node allows you to define behaviours
using programming languages such as JAVA, JavaScript, or the recently proposed
VRMLScript by Silicon Graphics.
A Script can specify an action each time it receives an event (you use
ROUTE to send
an event to a Script as with any other node). Furthermore you can define
initialization and shutdown procedures. In each action a script can generate
multiple events.
As opposed to other nodes, in the Script node you can define the events
the node receives and sends. A Script node can also have fields. Fields
work as persistent local variables to the script and can be used to define
an internal state.
A scritp can receive any number of events, the values where these events
are stored are eventIn type variables. The name of the variables specify
the name of the events the Script can receive. These variables are read-only,
i.e. you can't set a value to one of these variables, you can only read
its current value. There is also no limit to the number of events a Script
can generate. The values associated with these events are stored in eventOut
type variables. These variables, as well as fields, are persistent.
Note: you can't define an exposedField in a Script. In order to define
the equivalent to an exposedField you'll have to define a field, an eventIn
and an eventOut. For instance the following declaration is equivalent to
the definition of an exposed field:
field myField
eventIn set_myField
eventOut myField_changed
Script { |
url []
directOutput FALSE
mustEvaluate FALSE
#and any number of :
eventIn type eventName
eventOut type eventName
field type fieldName initialValue
} |
The type can be any of the standard VRML data
The url specifies the program script to be executed. The languages currently
supported are JAVA, JavaScript, VRMLScript. Note that many if not all browsers
do not support these three languages. The script can be inlined or in a
different file.
In this tutorial JavaScript was chosen as the language for the examples.
This language is implemented by several browsers, for instance Cosmo Player,
the Silicon Graphics plug in for VRML.
There are two ways in which you can change your world using a Script:
using an eventOut variable and then routing the event to another node,
or by accessing other node's fields directly. The former method requires
routing the event sent by the Script to other nodes, whereas the later
requires only an attribution. The directOutput field of a Script
specifies if the later method is allowed, i.e. if directOutput is
FALSE you can only affect the rest of your world by sending events from
the Script and then routing them to the desired nodes.
Because drawing VRML worlds is a very intensive task it can be hard
for the browser to draw and process events at the same time. When a large
number of Scripts are present in your world it is preferable to give priority
to drawing instead of processing events. In the Script node there is a
field which controls when the events are processed. You can either specify
that events should be processed as soon as they arrive, or only when the
browser is capable of doing so without decreasing the drawing performance.
The field mustEvaluate is used to set the execution model, setting
it to FALSE allows the browser to pick a convenient time to process the
events, whereas setting it to TRUE tells the browser to process the events
as soon as they arrive. This latter setting, TRUE, should only be used
in critical situations.
Defining fields and events, setting initial values
Only fields can have initial values according to the specification. All
the other variable types, eventIn and eventOut, can't define an initial
To define a field you must specify a data type for it, see the data
type list for the data types available in VRML.
The following are valid field definitions:
field SFRotation myRot 0 0 1 0
field MFVec3f myPos [0 0 0, 1 1 1]
field MFString myURLs ["clock2.wrl","land.wrl"]
For eventIn and eventOut fields you do not define an initial value. The
following are valid eventIn and eventOut definitions:
eventIn SFRotation rot_changed
eventOut SFBool set_start
Accesing and setting fields and events defined in
the script
fields: can be set and read.
eventIn: can be read
eventOut: can be set and read
In all cases the values are persistent, i.e. their values are kept between
function calls.
Reading and setting values to a field or event is done in the same way
as with standard variables in most programming languages.
Suppose a script as a SFRotation field named myField. To set the value
of myField to a rotation of 1.57 ( in radians) on the Z axis you can do
the following:
myField[0] = 0; // x value
myField[1] = 0; // y value
myField[2] = 1; // z value
myField[3] = 1.57; // angle value
If myField was defined as an eventOut then an event would be generated
by the script as soon as the function is done. The event could then be
ROUTED to any
node which has SFRotation exposedFields or eventIns. For example:
ROUTE myScript.myField TO myTransform.set_rotation
where myScript is the name you DEF'ed
your script, and myTransform is the name you DEF'ed a Transform node.
When are scripts executed
Functions define inside a Script can serve three purposes:
initialization procedures
processing events
shutdown procedures
The function initialize will perform after the file in which it
is contained is loaded and before any other events are generated, it is
the first function to be executed in your script. This function can be
used to initialize fields in your script or to send events before any other
node does it. The initialize function has no parameters.
The following example defines the template for the initialize function:
function initialize() {
The shutdown function has no parameters as well, the template is
as follows:
function shutdown() {
For each eventIn in the Script node you must define a handler. The handler
is a function, with two parameters, which has the same name as the eventIn.
The two parameters are: the event's value and the timestamp. The function
will be executed when the script receives the corresponding event.
The template for eventIn handlers is
function myEventIn(value,time) {
Script Example
Three ways to highlight a shape when the cursor is over it. It shows how
to switch between shapes, changing the material's field of a shape, and
how to access fields directly fromt the script.