Radar Approach – Testing Points II
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Up to this point the required computations to compute the value of p in the camera referential coordinates, pc have been detailed. It is also assumed at this point that the pc.z has a value that is between nearDist and farDist, so its time to check the other coordinates, namely pc.y and pc.x.
Consider now a side view of the frustum in 2D to simplify the diagram. The horizontal arrow shows the value of pc.z. At that distance from the camera, pc.z the view frustum has a height h.
where a is the vertical field of view angle.
This implies that, for the Y coordinate of pc to be inside the view frustum,
-h/2 < pc.y < h/2
or, in algorithmic style,
if (-h/2 > pc.y || pc.y > h/2) return(OUTSIDE)
The width of the frustum can be computed based on the height as
w = h * ratio;
So the X component of pc can be tested with the following if statement:
if (-w/2 > pc.x || pc.x > w/2) return(OUTSIDE)
The following figure, although a little bit complex ( ;-> ) provides some information about the components of pc.
This method should be faster than the previous approaches where six planes are tested. In here, only a dot product is performed for each pair of planes, whereas in the previous approaches a dot product was performed for every plane, in the worst case scenario. See the next section for an implementation.
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