Help end child hunger
Apr 282011

The code for several demos in the GLUT tutorial was plagued with a int to void * conversion. While this seems to work perfectly in Windows, at least in this case, Linux users found out that it did not even compile.

The code has been updated and hopefully the problem is gone. Please do report any problems you find. I’m sure there must be some bugs still on the loose…

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Apr 272011

Materials and lighting are the essence of 3D applications. These tables (1 2) show several color component combinations that can be used with either compatibility mode or the core version with a shader that emulates old OpenGL lighting model.

Apr 232011

[youtubeV youtubeurl=”” width=”500″ height=”350″]

Biôrn, an old Viking, is determined to reach Valhalla, the warrior’s afterlife full of excessive drinking and debauchery. To gain entry he has to die honorably in battle, but he discovers that the right death isn’t so easy. 

Apr 202011

ShaderGen is an old tool from 3D labs, but its usefulness is not gone. The tool creates shaders that mimic the results of a set of fixed function state. There is a large set of options to define a state as available in OpenGL compatibility mode. Lighting, Fog, and all the other features that are gone in core profiles. Select the options you desire, check the result with fixed functionality, and then press “generate”. The tool creates the shaders that emulate those fixed function features. It only produces GLSL 1.2 code, but conversion shouldn’t be an issue.