Help end child hunger
May 082011

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“In a disproportionate Paris is a hobo who’s looking for some food” …this is the starting point for this great short.

May 062011

Chrome Experiments – WebGL Globe. The Globe is a project for geographic data visualization. The project is open source and you are encouraged to use it to display your own world scattered data. Currently there are two samples: world population from 1990, 1995, 2000; and Google Search Visualization Volumes per language.

May 022011

The Basics of the Art of Lighting is a three part tutorial by Audri Phillips from Intel. Autodesk Maya is the tool used in this tutorial, but the concepts are universal and useful to learn in order to understand the light interactions that occur in the real world.

Ultimately, lighting is about controlling and shaping light and shadows, reflections, refractions, and even color-whether you do it on a computer or on a film set. This kind of control requires an understanding of how light works, the aesthetic art of lighting, and techniques for lighting. This knowledge helps you develop your eye so that you can look with understanding at your image, clearly see it, and know what needs to be done. By looking and learning as much as you can about color and lighting, you can decide which information to use to create your lighting design-be it naturalistic or stylized in a myriad of ways.

Apr 302011

Anamorphosis is a very funny type of projection, that requires the viewer to use a special device or be placed in a particular position to be able to understand the image. Some artists have done some exceptional art works on pavements using this projection, check out the works by Julian Beever and Edgar Mueller. More information on anamorphosis can be found in Wikipedia where you can also find some more pointers to artist working with this projection.