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Jun 022011


Direct3D ShaderX: Vertex and Pixel Shader Tips and Tricks (2002)
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ShaderX2: Introductions and Tutorials with DirectX 9.0 (2003)
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ShaderX2: Shader Programming Tips and Tricks with DirectX 9.0 (2003)
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ShaderX3: Advanced Rendering with DirectX and OpenGL (2004)
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ShaderX4: Advanced Rendering Techniques (Jan. 2006)
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ShaderX5: Advanced Rendering Techniques (Dec. 2006)
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ShaderX6: Advanced Rendering Techniques (2008)
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ShaderX7 (2009)
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Series edited by Wolfgang Engel

The first three volumes are available in PDF from here.

Combined Table of Contents

Items were grouped by section, and ordered alphabetically (volumes are displayed in parenthesis) Continue reading »

May 242011

Optimization is a must in computer graphics applications, mainly in those devoted to real-time interaction, such as visualization and games. One possibility is to optimise everything that can be optimised, but this is in most cases a waste of time. There are segments in our applications that when optimised bring an overall gain in efficiency to our application, but this is not true for all segments.

VSPL, a component of the Very Simple * Libraries, brings a profiler which you can display on top of your application using OpenGL. There are no dependencies whatsoever, and the only requirement to display the profile report on top of the application is a function to display a string. In OpenGL you can use VSFL, another component of the Very Simple * Libraries.

May 232011

VSFL has suffered a minor update to be able to render fixed size fonts such as Courier New. Previously all chars would have the optimal length, but this makes formatted printing difficult in some circumstances. A new parameter has been added to the loadFont method to specify if the font is to be rendered with fixed size chars, or not (the default setting). Also a new font has been added to the package, Courier New, which can take advantage of this feature.

May 232011

Game Programming Gems I
Edited by Mark DeLoura. 2000
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Game Programming Gems II
Edited by Mark DeLoura 2001
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Game Programming Gems III
Edited by Dante Treglia, 2002
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Game Programming Gems IV
Edited by Andrew Kirmse, 2004
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Game Programming Gems V
Edited by Kim Pallister, 2005
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Game Programming Gems VI
Edited by Mike Dickheiser, 2006
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Game Programming Gems VII
Edited by Scott Jacobs, 2008
More information about this title at or

Game Programming Gems VIII
Edited by Adam Lake, 2010
More information about this title at or

Combined Table of Contents

Items were grouped by section, and ordered alphabetically

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