Requirements: GLUI v2 (only to build the sources), GLUT, OpenGL.
Note: you may need to edit the makefile in Linux to set the paths for your system.
Version 1.2.5:
Terrain smoothing with matrix filters
Version 1.2:
Particle deposition algorithm for terrain generation
Terrain smoothing
simple water plane
Version 1.1:
Added the mid point displacement algorithm for terrain generation
Version 1.0:
Algorithms for terrain generation: Fault and Circles
GLUI interface.
Full control over the parameters.
Two navigation modes: Examine and Fly.
OpenGL window grabber.
Save the height map as a TGA image.
Load a TGA image (non-compressed, and no index colors) and build the height map.
Very Short Users Manual (for more information see the Terrain Tutorial):
Terrain Module:
Image: input the file name of a non-compressed RGB(A) or Greyscale TGA image. A height map will be built using the image data.
Generate: takes a width and height and generates a flat terrain
Surface Type: Choose between Triangles and Quads.
Surface Mode: Wireframe or Solid
Surface Lighting: OpenGL, Simulated, or Off
Surface Normals: if checked normals will be generated for the height map
Scale Heights: set the minimum and maximum height for the surface.
Scale Heights Apply: Apply the height scale.
Scale Heights Reset: Set the minimum height to 0 and the maximum height to 20
Show water plane: shows a blue horizontal plane.
Height: set the height of the water plane
Screen Shot: Grabs the OpenGL and saves it as a TGA image. Filenames are given sequentially, 3dtechscreenxxx, where xxx starts at 0.
Save as TGA: Convert the height field to a TGA image
Function: select the function for terrain generation
Random Seed: random seeds only take effect when a new terrain is generated
Max. Disp: Selects the maximum displacement, i.e. the displacement for the first iteration
Min. Disp: Select the mimimum displacement
Interval: The displacement will decrease from max disp to min disp over a number of iterations, this field specifies that number of iterations. After the number of iterations is reached the displacement will be equal to the minimum displacement
Wave Size: Only valid for Fault-Sine and Fault-Cosine. It is the amplitude of the function. The larger the smoother the terrain.
Circle Size: Only valid for the circles algorithm. It is the radius of the circle
Sticking Particles: sets the particle mode. If checked the particles will stick where they are deposited, otherwise they will roll to form a smoother surface
Add. iterations: input here a number of iterations to add to the current total
it done: displays the number of iterations to date
Show: if checked it will show every iteration, otherwise you'll only see the results in the end.
Start: adds the number of iterations in "Add. iterations" to the total counter and starts iterating
Stop: stops the terrain generation
Roughness: determines the general look of the terrain, 1 is the default value. Higher values create rougher terrains.
Steps: The number of steps for the midpoint displacement algorithm. This determines the size of the terrain, so if the step is n, the terrain will be 2^n+1. For instance for n = 7, will end up with a terrain 129x129.
Roughness: sets the roughness of the surface for the midpoint displacement algorithm. Use higher values for rougher surfaces, smaller values will provide a smoother terrain
Steps: the number of iterations for the midpoint displacement algorithm. The terrain will be a square with ((2^n)+1) x ((2^n)+1), where n is the number of steps.
k: smoothing constant. Varies between 0 and 1. Higher values provide smoother surfaces.
Show Filter Options: Opens the Filter Options window
Examine: Use the GLUI controls
Fly: arrows move and rotate the camera, the mouse (button pressed) also changes the orientation. (note: if the mouse button is pressed and you press either up or down you'll move much faster than without the mouse button pressed)
Filter Options:
Filter: Select one of the predefined filters
Go For It!: Apply the filter defined in the matrix
Close Me: Close this window
The entries in the Matrix panel show the filter to apply. You can edit these values to create your own filters.