Help end child hunger
Jun 292011

gDEBugger, by graphicRemedy, was a very powerful standalone tool (still available in here) for debugging OpenGL and OpenCL. It could tell you all about your VBOs, textures, uniform values, show stats on function calls, show deprecated usage function, you name it.

Now its back! This time it works inside Visual Studio 2010. It basically performs the same functions as before, but integrated in the programming environment of VS 2010.

The new AMD version is available in here.

Jun 232011

Debugging is something we all do. It is one of those things we can’t escape…

Tools like Visual Studio are very powerful for debugging purposes and provide lots of debug options and information. However most of us don’t master these tools properly. If this is the case then you might want to take a look at this tutorial by Abhijit Jana.

Jun 162011

The Kinect for Windows SDK beta is a programming toolkit for application developers. It enables the academic and enthusiast communities easy access to the capabilities offered by the Microsoft Kinect device connected to computers running the Windows 7 operating system.

The Kinect for Windows SDK beta includes drivers, rich APIs for raw sensor streams and human motion tracking, installation documents, and resource materials. It provides Kinect capabilities to developers who build applications with C++, C#, or Visual Basic by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.

Jun 082011

In March, 2010, the Khronos group approved an extension to add timers to OpenGL. The version was 3.2. As of OpenGL 3.3 this functionality has become part of the specification.

As mention in the Very Simple Profile Library page, profiling is an essential technique to truly understand how to improve the performance of an application. Being able to get time measurements is important both in the development stage as well as during run-time after the application has been released. OpenGL Timer Queries allows us to profile the GPU. i.e. to determine the amount of time it takes to execute a command, or sequence of commands in the GPU.

A tutorial is available in here describing the OpenGL timer functions, showing how to use them, and describing a double buffer approach to prevent the application from being stalled while waiting for query results.

May 112011

One of the features that was not selected to be part of the core functionality was matrix handling. Previously we had OpenGL and GLU functions that provided the means for easily setting the camera, defining projections, and performing geometric transformations on graphical objects.

The Very Simple Matrix Library (VSML) aims at providing users with a functionality similar to the one available up to OpenGL 3.2. I’ve been using OpenGL for a long time and those matrix handling functions served most of my purposes when programming graphics, hence I grew fond of them. I missed them in the new OpenGL versions so I decided to write a simple lib to perform the same tasks in a very similar way.